Do you have the cash to fuel growth?
"Cash is the oxygen required by your business to scale." - Leigh Paulden
The cash conversion cycle (CCC) represents the whole business operating process from the acquisition of raw materials until the product or service is delivered.
Knowing your cash conversion cycles and improving them is critical for growth.
Understanding your cash conversion cycle, profitability analysis, cash flow story & productivity is key to reducing the impact that growth will have on your cash reserves. Having a clear cash strategy that enables the company to have a consistent flow of cash to fuel growth will mean you get better sleep at night as well!
The 7 Attributes of Agile Growth framework provides you with the tools and resources to achieve profitability that is sustainable and proactive in creating cash. If you are unhappy with the cash position of your business, take the 7 Attributes of Agile Growth assessment and discuss how your company can perform better with a Gravitas Impact certified business coach.
Profit Resources
As a Business Growth Strategist, Hans Schulte offers you access to an exclusive library of practical and internationally proven resources and tools as part of the 7 Attributes of Agile Growth framework.
The library includes reference material from well-known authors, business consultants and CEO’s on the subject of cash. His library of articles, recommended readings and resources are there to help you create a cash conversion cycle that enhances your bottom line.